Been pretty routine here still. I will be starting teaching next week at a local school as 5 teachers from New York are coming. We will be bused from here to the school, teach for the morning, eat some lunch, and then be bused back. We have a meeting with the principle on Friday so I should find out more then. It been pretty cold here lately (well cold for here), haven't had to use the fan the last couple of nights and actually covered up all night. It warms up to be nice in the afternoon though. I am told this cold only lasts about 10 or so days so I guess I can handle that. Took another trip in Damnoen yesterday to see if I could get internet on my phone as the library is only open during the week, but I found out they don't even have 3G here, only closer to Bangkok so I decided the library will have to do (for now). Here are some pics I took in town, they were taken with my iPhone so their not the best quality. The ride back was a bit interesting as the bus picked up about 30 kids from school and I couldn't really see out the windows to see my landmarks for when to get off. It was crazy as kinds were everywhere, even hanging off the ladders on the back of the bus. I wanted to take a picture, but I thought that would seem a bit creepy. I ended up pushing the button to get off a bit early and had to walk a bit, but now I know better for next time. Well, that's all for now.
inside the bus |
the bus |
Some Street pictures.
Some shops:
just random wondering dogs here |
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